Dr. Jan Slaby


  • Slaby, J. (2024). Habits of Affluence: Unfeeling, Enactivism, and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism. Mind & Society, Online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11299-024-00309-6 Download Link
  • Slaby, J. (2023). Structural Apathy, Affective Injustice, and the Ecological Crisis. Philosophical Topics 51(1), 63-83. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2023). Don't Look Up: Affektive Entwirklichung und das gesellschaftlich Ungefühlte. In: von Maur, I., Meyer, U., & Walter, S. (Hg.). Wozu Gefühle? Philosophische Reflexionen für Achim Stephan (pp. 67-92). Leiden: Brill/mentis. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2023). Im Kraftfeld der Wahrheit. Rezension zu Frieder Vogelmann, 'Die Wirksamkeit des Wissens' (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2022). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71(4), 620-628. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2023). Umfühlen: Gefühlswandel in Zeiten der Klimakrise. In: Stodulka, T., A. von Poser, G. Scheidecker, & J. Bens (Hg.). Anthropologie der Emotionen. Affektive Dynamiken in Kultur und Gesellschaft (pp. 275-290). Berlin: Reimer. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2023). Das Ungefühlte - Affektivität und Wirklichkeit in Zeiten der ökologischen Katastrophe. Publikation in Vorbereitung. Download
  • Churcher, M., Calkins, S., Böttger, J. & Slaby, J., eds. (2023). Affect, Power and Institutions. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Landweer, H., & Slaby, J., eds., (2022). Schwerpunkt: Emotionale Fähigkeiten und die Fühlbarkeit des Sozialen. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70(6), 904-971. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2022). Intentionality’s Breaking Point: A Lesson from Grief. Journal of Consciousness Studies 29(9-10), 105-127. Download
  • Bernhardt, F., & Slaby, J. (2022). On Being Stuck: The Pandemic Crisis as Affective Stasis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-022-09855-1 Download
  • Haueis, P., & Slaby, J. (2022). Humanities as Conceptual Practices: The Formation and Development of High-Impact Concepts in Philosophy and Beyond. Metaphilosophy 53(4), 385-403. Download
  • Schütze, P., Jörg, K., von Maur, I., & Slaby, J. (2022). Affect as Disruption: Affective Experimentation, Automobility and the Ecological Crisis. In: Timm Knudsen, B., Krogh, M., & Stage, C., eds., Methodologies of Affective Experimentation (pp. 27-45). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2022) Stichwort: Postphänomenologie. Information Philosophie 2/2022, 34-39. Download
  • Von Scheve, C., & Slaby, J. (2022). Im Schattenreich der Institution: Eine affekttheoretische Perspektive. Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Kollektivwissenschaft, 8(1), 137-164. doi: 10.14361/zkkw-2022-080107 Download
  • Slaby, J. (2022) Philosophy of Mind for Dystopic Times. Syndicate network website. Download Link
  • Slaby, J. (2021). Expanding the Active Mind. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, doi/full/10.1080/00071773.2021.1905487 Download
  • Ceesay, S., & Slaby, J. (2021). Musterschüler. Elemente einer kritischen Genealogie der deutschen Schule. In: Dilger, H., & Warstat, M. (eds.). Umkämpfte Vielfalt. Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2021). A Challenge to Perceptual Theories of Emotion. In: Demmerling, C. & Schröder, D. (eds.). Concepts in Thought, Action and Emotion: New Essays (pp. 277-293). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2020). Atmospheres – Schmitz, Massumi, and Beyond. In Riedel, F., & Torvinen, J. (eds.). Music as Atmosphere: Collective Feelings and Affective Sounds (pp. 274-285). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2020). Disposedness (Befindlichkeit). In: M. Wrathall (ed.). The Heidegger Lexicon (pp. 242-249). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2020). The Weight of History: From Heidegger to Afro-Pessimism. In: L. Guidi, & T. Rentsch (eds.). Phenomenology as Performative Exercise (pp. 173-195). New York & Leiden: Brill. Download
  • Szanto, T., & Slaby, J. (2020). Political Emotions. In: Szanto, T., & Landweer, H. (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotions (pp. 478-494). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2020). Existenzielle Gefühle und In-der-Welt-sein. In: H. Kappelhoff, J.-H. Bakels, C. Schmitt, H. Lehmann (eds.). Emotionen. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler. Download
  • Slaby, J. & von Scheve, C., eds., (2019). Affective Societies: Key Concepts. New York: Routledge. Download
  • Von Scheve, C., & Slaby, J. (2019). Emotion, Emotion Concept. In: Slaby, J. & C. von Scheve (eds.). Affective Societies: Key Concepts (pp. 42-51). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J. & von Scheve, C. (2019). Introduction: Affective Societies - Key Concepts. In: Slaby, J. & C. von Scheve (eds.). Affective Societies: Key Concepts (pp. 1-27). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J., Mühlhoff, R., & Wüschner, P. (2019). Concepts as Methodology. In: Kahl, A. (ed.). Analyzing Affective Societies (pp. 27-42). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Bens, J. (2019). Political Affect. In: Slaby, J. & C. von Scheve (eds.). Affective Societies: Key Concepts (pp. 340-351). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Mühlhoff, R. (2019). Affect. In: Slaby, J. & C. von Scheve (eds.). Affective Societies: Key Concepts (pp. 27-41). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2019). Affective Arrangement. In: Slaby, J. & C. von Scheve (eds.). Affective Societies: Key Concepts (pp. 109-118). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Mühlhoff, R., Breljak, A., & Slaby, J., eds., (2019). Affekt Macht Netz: Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der digitalen Gesellschaft. Bielefeld: transcript. OPEN ACCESS Link
  • Slaby, J. (2019). Negri und Wir. Affekt, Subjektivität und Kritik in der Gegenwart. Ein Nachwort. In: Mühlhoff, R., Breljak, A., Slaby, J. (eds.). Affekt Macht Netz. Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft (pp. 337-351). Bielefeld: transcript. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Thonhauser, G. (2019). Heidegger and the Affective (Un)grounding of Politics. In: C. Hadjioannou (ed.). Philosophers in Depth: Heidegger on Affect. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2019). Relational Affect: Perspectives from Philosophy and Cultural Studies. In: T. Jirsa, E. van Alphen (eds.). How to Do Things with Affects: Affective Operations in Art, Literature, and New Media (pp. 59-81). New York & Leiden: Brill. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Bernhardt, F. (2019). Der verblassende Glanz des Cogito. Zum frühen Subjektdenken Paul Ricœurs. In: D. Creutz & Th. Breyer (eds.). Phänomenologie des praktischen Sinns. Die Willensphilosophie Paul Ricœurs im Kontext (pp. 251-281). Paderborn: Fink. Download
  • Slaby, J., Mühlhoff, R., & Wüschner, P. (2019). Affective Arrangements. Emotion Review 11(1), 3-12, DOI: 10.1177/1754073917722214. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Choudhury, S. (2018). Proposal for a Critical Neuroscience. In: Meloni, M, Crombie, J, D. Fitzgerald, & Lloyd, S. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society (pp. 341-370). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Download
  • Mühlhoff, R., & Slaby, J. (2018). Immersion at Work: Affect and Power in Post-Fordist Work Cultures. In: Röttger-Rössler, B. & Slaby, J. (eds.). Affect in Relation – Families, Places, Technologies (pp. 155-174). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Röttger-Rössler, B. (2018). Introduction: Affect in Relation. In: Röttger-Rössler, B. & Slaby, J. (eds.). Affect in Relation – Families, Places, Technologies (pp. 1-28). New York: Routledge. Download
  • Röttger-Rössler, B. & Slaby, J., eds., (2018). Affect in Relation – Families, Places, Technologies. New York: Routledge. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2018). Drei Haltungen der Affect Studies. In: L. Pfaller & B. Wiesse (eds.). Stimmungen und Atmosphären. Zur Affektivität des Sozialen (pp. 53-81). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2018). Disclosive Postures and Affective Arrangements: Towards a Post-Phenomenology of Situated Affectivity. Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018(2). Download
  • Slaby, J. (2017). More than a Feeling: Affect as Radical Situatedness. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 41(1), 7-26. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2017). Affekt und Politik. Philosophische Rundschau 64(2), 134-162. Download
  • Haueis, P., & Slaby, J. (2017). Connectomes as Constitutively Epistemic Objects. Critical Perspectives on Modeling in Current Neuroanatomy. Progress in Brain Research 233, 149-177. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2017). Living in the Moment: Boredom and the Meaning of Existence in Heidegger and Pessoa. In H. Feger, X. Dikun & W. Ge (eds.). Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, vol. 2 (pp. 235-256), Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2017 Download
  • Slaby, J. (2016). Die Kraft des Zorns – Sara Ahmeds aktivistische Post-Phänomenologie. In: I. Marcinski & H. Landweer (eds.). Dem Erleben auf der Spur. Feminismus und Phänomenologie. (pp. 279-303). Bielefeld: Transcript. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2016). Kritik der Resilienz. In P. Wüschner & F. A. Kurbacher (eds.). Was ist Haltung? (pp. 273-298). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2016). Mind Invasion: Situated Affectivity and the Corporate Life Hack. Frontiers in Psychology 7, 2016. Download Link
  • Slaby, J., & Gallagher, S. (2015). Critical Neuroscience and Socially Extended Minds. Theory, Culture & Society 32, 2015, 33-59. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2015). Critical Neuroscience Meets Medical Humanities. Medical Humanities 41, 16-22. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2015). Affectivity and Temporality in Heidegger. In: M. Ubiali & M. Wehrle (eds.). Feeling and Value, Willing and Action. Phaenomenologica 216 (pp. 183-206). Dordrecht: Springer. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Wüschner, P. (2014). Emotion and Agency. In S. Roeser & C. Todd (eds.). Emotion and Value (pp. 212-228). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2014). Empathy’s Blind Spot. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17(2), 249-258. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2014). Emotion and the Extended Mind. In: In: Salmela, M., & von Scheve, C., eds., Collective Emotions (pp. 32-46). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2014). Sichtbarkeit des Geistes. Die Auflösung des Dualismus von Innerem und Äußerem. In: C. Barth & D. Lauer (eds.). Die Philosophie John McDowells. Paderborn: mentis. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2014). Review of Nikolas Rose, Joelle M. Abi-Rached, 'Neuro: The New Brain Sciences and the Management of the Mind' (Princeton UP, 2013). Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 87(2), 183-185. Download
  • Hoyer, A., & Slaby, J. (2014). Jenseits von Ethik. Zur Kritik der neuroethischen Enhancement-Debatte. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62(5), 823-848. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2013). Die Objektivitätsmaschine – der MRT-Scanner als magisches Objekt. In: K. Mertens/I. Günzler (Hg.). Wahrnehmen, Fühlen, Handeln. Phänomenologie im Wettstreit der Methoden (pp. 473-497). Münster: mentis. Download
  • Gallagher, S., Hutto, D., Slaby, J., & Cole, J. (2013). The Brain as Part of an Enactive System. Commentary on Schilbach et al. “Towards a Second-Person Neuroscience”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36, 421-422. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2013). The New Science of Morality: A Bibliographical Review, in: The Hedgehog Review 15(1), 46-54. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2013). Gekommen, um zu bleiben: Emotionen in der Philosophie. In: Berliner Debatte Initial 24(3), 15-30. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Heilinger, J.-C. (2013). Lost in Phenospace. Questioning the Claims of Popular Neurophilosophy. Metodo – International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy, 1(2), 83-100. Download
  • Slaby, J., Paskaleva, A., and Stephan A. (2013). Enactive Emotion and Impaired Agency in Depression. Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (No. 7-8), 33-55. Download
  • Choudhury, S., & Slaby, J., eds., (2012). Critical Neuroscience. A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience, Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Stephan, A. (2012). Depression als Handlungsstörung. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60(6), 919-935 Download
  • Slaby, J. (2012). Emotional Rationality and Feelings of Being. In: J. Fingerhut and S. Marienberg (eds.). Feelings of Being Alive. Schriftenreihe Humanprojekt (pp. 55-77). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
  • Slaby, J. (2012). Affective Self-Construal and the Sense of Ability. Emotion Review 4(2), 151-156. Download
  • Schmitz, H., Müllan, R. O., & Slaby, J. (2011). Emotions Outside the Box – the New Phenomenology of Feeling and Corporeality. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10, 2011, 241-259. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2011). Perspektiven einer kritischen Philosophie der Neurowissenschaften. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59(3), 375-390. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2011). Affektive Intentionalität – Hintergrundgefühle, Möglichkeitsräume, Handlungsorientierung. In: J. Slaby/A. Stephan/H. Walter/S. Walter (eds.), Affektive Intentionalität. Beiträge zur welterschließenden Funktion der menschlichen Gefühle (pp. 23-48). Paderborn: mentis. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2010), Steps Towards a Critical Neuroscience. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9, 397-416. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2010). The Other Side of Existence: Heidegger on Boredom. In: S. Flach, Margulies, D. S., and Söffner, J. (eds.) Habitus in Habitat II. Other Sides of Cognition (pp. 101-120), Bern: Peter Lang. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2010). The Brain is what we do with it. Review of C. Malabou 'What should we do with our brain?'" Journal of Consciousness Studies 17, 235-240. Download
  • Choudhury, S., Nagel, S., & Slaby, J. (2009). Critical Neuroscience: Linking Neuroscience and Society through Critical Practice. BioSocieties 4(1), 61-77. Download
  • Slaby, J., & Stephan, A. (2008). Affective Intentionality and Self-Consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition 17, 506-513. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2008). Gefühl und Weltbezug. Die menschliche Affektivität im Kontext einer neo-existentialistischen Konzeption von Personalität. Paderborn: mentis. Download
  • Slaby, J. (2008). Affective Intentionality and the Feeling Body. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7(4), 429-444. Download Link
  • Slaby, J. (2007). Empfindungen. Skizze eines nicht-reduktiven, holistischen Verständnisses. Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32(3), 207-225. Download
  • Slaby, J., Katz, G., Kühnberger, K.-U., & Stephan, A. (2006). Embodied Targets, or the Origin of Mind Tools. Philosophical Psychology 19(1), 103-118. Download

Philosophical Outlook

What fascinates about philosophy is that it is a rigorous conceptual endeavor that nevertheless has leeway for playfulness, stylistic variance and aesthetic appeal, while it links individual existential matters with social and political concerns. My approach to philosophy is eclectic and interdisciplinary. Trained analytically (in a broad sense), I have increasingly found myself drawn to a style closer to the continental tradition: to (post)-phenomenology, to critical theory and poststructuralism, but I adhere to neither of these in a strict fashion. My work in the CRC Affective Societies since 2015 has brought me closer to cultural studies, postcolonial theory, Black studies and feminist theory, and I am currently working on an approach to affect that combines these strands of theory in order to think both individual orientations and social formations, especially institutions and collective practices – what I call a ‘political philosophy of mind’. Our new project at the CRC Affective Societies is on "Dynamics of the Unfelt", a critical approach to the insufficient societal responses to the global socio-ecological crisis (2023-2027). I am also interested in the nature and methodological role of concepts in both the humanities and natural sciences, and in philosophical methodology more broadly.


I am a big fan of team work and co-authorship in philosophy, and have been fortunate to having had the chance to cooperate with a wide range of interesting, thoughtful and motivated colleagues and students. The Institute of Philosophy at FU Berlin is a great attractor for diverse minds from all over the globe, as is the Affective Societies research center. In recent years, however, I have had a harder time entering new partnerships due to reasons of time and capacity. If I take a long time to reply to cooperation requests, please do not take it personally - the volume can be overwhelming. I also have almost no time anymore for external thesis supervision, unfortunately, as the number of final theses and examinations at FUB is consistently high. This applies also to PhD supervision requests, especially from external (= non-FU-Berlin-philosophy-trained) and interdisciplinary candidates. My maxim is to work a lot with a few candidates rather than work a little with many candidates, which means I must say 'no' to a good number of requests for supervision, often regardless of topic and talent level. Not happy about it but I see no other way short of self-destructive overwork.

Current and upcoming activities

  • March 21 & 22, 2024 Talk at Universität Bamberg, Workshop Welten/Räume, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, title "Affekträume"
  • May 2024, Talk at a Workshop of the Project Group "Intersubjectivity of Affects and Social Change", Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Serbia, title: "The Unfelt in Society"
  • June 13-14, 2024, Workshop on The Faces of Affective Injustice, Institute of Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin, co-organized with Alfred Archer and Jakob Huber
  • June 17-19, 2024, Keynote Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Trondheim, Norway, title: "The Unfelt in Society"


Summer term 2024: Capital, Ecology, Critique II (MA course, co-teaching with Sam Nimmrichter, in English); Philosophical Research Colloquium (BA, MA, PhD, PostDoc; mostly in English; invited guests include Rizvana Bradley, Federica Gregoratto, Daniel Loick, Shiloh Whitney) Upcoming in winter term 2024/25: The Self as a Political Problem (MA course); Food for Thought: Eating and Relating in the 21th century (BA course, co-teaching with Gesa Jessen and Jasmine Wanjiru Onstad, in English)